Abstract :
Introduction: Hand, wrist and finger ortheses are an important part of the therapeutic armamentarium for hand disorders whether caused by trauma, neurological deficit, rheumatoid disease or a degenerative process. They are a crucial element for hand rehabilitation.
Purpose: The purpose of this article is to present the fundamental aspects of hand ortheses, as used in daily practice, and demonstrated by a specialized pluridisciplinary team.
Material and methods: After recalling the indispensable prerequisites, we expose our experience of exclusively custom-
made devices.
Results: The process involves the choice of the thermomodulable material and especially expert knowledge of supportive devices and their use. Indications are specific, with variable objectives, from temporary immobilization to recovery of joint range of motion. We propose a classification according to the initial context of the medical prescription.
Conclusion: Custom-made devices adapt better to each individual morphology, irrespective of the deformity, compared with manufactured devices. These custom-made devices must be precise and effective to meet the specific goals of each situation. Monitoring is a fundamental step of the therapeutic process.
Keywords : Template – Hand – Orthesis – Orthopedics – Monitoring –Thermomodulable
Kinésithérapie, La revue (Geste pratique) 2009;(95):21-29
Elsevier Masson SAS. Tous droits réservés